Melon is one of the most typical summer fruits. It is rare to find a fridge without melon during the summer season. It belongs to the cucurbit family, which includes 850 herbal plant species that produce big sized, with strong crust fruits. It is a creeping plant with wide leafs, spined stems and yellow flowers to which follow the fruit. It is a fruit with asiatic origin, where it was domesticated and arrived to the Mediterranean area at the beginning of the First Century.
We have a great melon variety in Consorfrut. You will die to taste them the moment you see them! Out of our brands Sunflavour, Privilege and Mephistus, you’ll find every melón variety.
Eventhough it is a summer fruit as we have mentioned previously, currently, you are able to find melon throughout the whole year. As to its composition, 80% of this fruit is water, along with its moderate sugar content which contributes towards a low calorie intake.
Thanks to the melon seasonality, its easy to know that the variety you’re purchasing corresponds with the moment of the year. There are a bunch of melon varieties, some having different crusts, colors, textures, flavours or fragrances:
- Galia melon. It is an spheric melon and white pulp. It is not very consistent, not very sweet and it is medium sized.
- Cantaloup melon. It has an spheric shape, it seems slightly squashed, small sized and has smooth skin. It contains orange pulp and it usually doesn’t weight more than 1kg. It’s flavour is sweet and aromatic.
- Yellow melon. It has an elongated shape, with a strong crust, light green pulp and a sweet flavour.
- Toad skin melon. Last but not the least, this melon type is green and it becomes from Spain. It is a summer melon with thinner crust with dark spots. It’s pulp is white and yellow with a very tasty sweet flavour. However, less aromatic.
As to melon farming, it requires high temperatures and low humidity. The higher the temperature during daytime and the lower on the night time, the sweeter and more aromatic the melons will grow. This fruit prefers direct solar light and the floor must be fertile and well drained. Long, constant risks must be avoided.
Arganoleptic Melon Properties
It is highly positive that you’ll know a lot of melon properties, but probably you don’t know the nutritional composition completly.
- Energy: 28 kcal
- Water: 80%
- Iron: 0,35 mg
- Proteins: 0,88 g
- Calcium: 15,60 mg
- Fibre: 0,73 g
- Potassium: 310 mg
- Iodine: 0,55 mg
- Zinc: 0,29 mg
- Carbohydrates: 12,40 g
- Magnessium: 11,80 mg
- Sodium: 17 mg
- Vitamin A: 111,90 ug
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): 0,05 mg
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0,01 mg
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 0,66 mg
- Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid): 0,13 ug
- Vitamin B6 (Piridoxin): 0,06 mg
- Vitamin B9 (Ácido fólico): 2,70 ug
- Vitamin C: 32,10 mg
- Vitamin E: 0,14 mg
- Vitamin K: 0,52 ug
- Phosphorus: 17 mg
- Calories: 52,4 kcal
- Fats: 0,10 g
- Sugar: 12,40 g
- Purines: 33 mg
(Kcal = kilocalorie; g = grams; μg = microgram; mg = miligrams)
As you may observe, 80% of its composition is water, and its low calorie contribution is due to its moderate sugar content. Our organism needs water for several functions which are essential for human life. It is the cell’s structural element, it exercises regulatory functions participating as the lymph, blood, urine, sweat and digestive juices medium of transport. The minerals with which provides our bodies are: potassium, magnessium and calcium. It also has a great Vitamin C input, which is an antioxidant and intervenes in collagene, bone and teeth formation together with iron absorption and infection resistance.
Vitamin A input is essential for eyesight, skin health, hair, bones, mucous and for the inmunological system correct functioning. Potassium is necessary for a good muscular activity and it intervenes in water equilibrium both, in and out of cells.