Consorfrut, present in the 10th edition of Fruit Attraction 2018

As every year, Consorfrut will take part in Fruit Attraction 2018 in Madrid during the 23rd, 24th and 25th of October. Fruit Attraction is the most relevant fruits and vegetables International Fair in the sector, and as always, it is celebrated in our country, this year being outstandingly special since it complies its 10th Anniversary.

Fruit Attraction is a reference in the International Fairs World, being highly appreciated by visitors and exhibitors. This year´s attendance reaches over 70.000 professionals which come from more than 120 different countries along with more than 1.600 exhibitors, where Consorfrut together with the whole business group will be present in order to show the great variety and product offer for the next campaigns. This year we will be focused on Quality, Diversity, Innovation and Know-how.

Canada and Saudi Arabia will be the invited countries this year with which Consorfrut will try to increase and reinforce markets and business deals.

We will take these days to meet our worldwide business partners and clients from which we import and export our products. During these days, we will have the chance to talk to our providers and commercial partners about the coming programs, innovations and 2019 market trends.

In Consorfrut, we want to use this opportunity to display our campaigns and the great variety of products that we manufacture along different countries in which our partners are based on in order for us to offer high quality, fresh fruits and vegetables during all the year long.

In Fruit Attraction 2018 we will be together with our partners, important producers with more than 25 years of great experience in the fruits and vegetables sector.

Spain´s productions extend along the entire Mediterranean slope from Almeria (tomatoes, peppers and every vegetable type as well as melon and watermelon), through to Valencia and Castellon (where the areas of citrus production are based), ending in Lerida and Teruel (where we produce stone fruit, pears and apples). To these Spanish products, we add Argentinean lemon production form Tucuman.

In Fruit Attraction 2018 we will be together with our partners, important producers with more than 25 years of great experience in the fruits and vegetables sector.

Our products reach over 33 countries worldwide guarantying to our clients always fresh on season products with a continuous service during the year. This makes Consorfrut a leader in the vegetables and fruits sector.

Consorfrut will be present in Fruit Attraction 2018 once more with the objective of bonding stronger with our clients, having a representative effect and search for new business partners.

Once more, we will use our presence to show our novelties in our brands SUNFLAVOUR, PROVILEGE, MEPHISTUS and LA PARISIENNE facing the next campaing.





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